PLACES OF FAITH 2018 - International Conferece on Cultural, Political, Socio-Economic, Artistic and Architectural Expressions of Religion

PLACES OF FAITH 2018 - International Conferece on Cultural, Political, Socio-Economic, Artistic and Architectural Expressions of Religion aims at debating the religious phenomena from a plural perspective in the framework of humanities, social sciences, art and architecture. The focus of the conference is therefore not religion as theology, but religion as a multifaceted and plural social phenomenon. Places is used in a multi-semantic way, encompassing conceptual constructions, social structures, artifacts, and the actual physical places of human architecture.
Places of Faith 2018 intends to keep the discussion within the academic realm introducing the following as main topics: 1- Religious phenomena as expressions of faith; 2 - Religious equity; 3 - Religion an social structures; 4 - Religion and Politics; 5 - Religion and economics; 6 - Religion and tourism; 7 - Religious heritage; 8 - Sacred Art, Music and Literature; 9 - Sacred architectural spaces: their meaning, evolution, transformation and adaptation.


Academics, researchers, students, religious authorities.



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