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Murray’s Pressure on FOIA Requests Pushes Carney To Lift Suspension

Demands Answers on Nursing Homes, Business Shutdown and Opening Schools

Carney’s entire COVID response has been a political game and the businesses and people of Delaware were the losers. There needs to be accountability”
— Julianne Murray

SEAFORD, DE, UNITED STATES, September 28, 2020 / -- After weeks of challenging Gov. John Carney’s suspension of freedom of information requests (FOIA), it would appear that the pressure from Republican gubernatorial nominee, Julianne Murray, has pushes the career politician to amend his State of Emergency order lifting the suspension. Murray had been condemning Carney for suspending FOIA requests until 15 days after his COVID State of Emergency is lifted. Murray said that this a win for transparency. She is now requesting, via FOIA, all documents and information related to his abysmal policy of sending COVID patients to nursing homes, all documents and information on Carney’s business lockdown where big businesses were allowed to remain open and small businesses were left on the vine to die, and all information on Carney’s indecision-decision on opening Delaware’s schools.

“Isn’t it interesting that all FOIA requests have been suspended for over six months in an election year? I wonder what John Carney was trying to cover up or who he was trying to protect?” said Julianne Murray. “If he had nothing to hide then why did he ever suspend FOIA requests? You and I know the answer - he did not want to be held accountable for his failures. It was an attempted cover-up. And for those that say he wasn’t attempting to cover anything up? I would point out that the timing of this move is also calculated because they have fifteen business days to answer any FOIA requests. That doesn’t leave much time to get information out to Delawareans so they can make an informed choice. ”

“Carney’s entire COVID response has been a political game and the businesses and people of Delaware were the losers. There needs to be accountability,” continued Murray.

Murray also pointed out that this is now the third time that she has stood up to Carney on behalf of Delawareans and the third time the people have won. “First I sued him over the short-term rental ban and he lifted the ban. Second I released a Small Business Bill of Rights and he then announced a $100 million grant program for small businesses and now third I applied pressure about how wrong it is to suspend FOIA and he has now lifted the suspension I am the one showing leadership here – not John Carney.”

David Johnson
Strategic Vision PR Group
+1 404-380-1079
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