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Greg Vigna, MD, JD: Transobturator Slings - The Truth Hurts

Dr. Greg Vigna

Dr. Greg Vigna

Defense experts and key opinion leaders for mesh manufacturers have known for years about the unreasonable risks of transobturator polypropylene devices.

Key opinion leaders have testified that scarring/inflammation from mesh in a muscle could cause irritation to the adjacent nerves and.. others who admit the response to polypropylene is unpredictable.”
— Dr. Greg Vigna

SANTA BARBARA, CA, UNITED STATES, January 18, 2021 / -- “I represent many women with pudendal neuralgia and/or obturator neuralgia whose injuries began just after transobturator procedures. This includes many cases of late onset cases and “trans-obturator meshes like Prolift and TVT-O are very dangerous for the pudendal nerve (and its branches) and for the obturator nerves.’” Dr. Jacqueus Beco, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège (June 14, 2014)

Greg Vigna, MD, JD, practicing physician, national pharmaceutical injury attorney, and Certified Life Care Planner states, “Dr. Beco is an international authority on pudendal neuralgia in Europe who doesn’t recommend transobturator polypropylene devices as there are other surgical options. Transobturator slings (TOTs) and mini-slings that insert into the obturator internus muscle are associated with obturator and pudendal neuralgia acutely after implantation or may become symptomatic months to years after implantation. Pudendal neuralgia experts across the world including Dr. Beco have known about the dangerous qualities of transobturator polypropylene devices for years.”

Dr. Vigna adds, “Defense experts and key opinion leaders for mesh manufacturers have known for years about the unreasonable risks of transobturator polypropylene devices as well, and have done nothing except promote the use of these devices. Key opinion leaders have testified that scarring and inflammation from mesh in a muscle could cause irritation to the adjacent nerves, and there are others who admit that the response to polypropylene is unpredictable.”

Dr. Vigna concludes, “It has been well established that pelvic floor myofascial pain is associated with transobturator slings, and it is becoming clear that retropubic slings cause pudendal neuralgia as well by injuring the levator muscles that attach to the obturator internus muscle which is adjacent to the pudendal nerve. Defense experts have stated on the record that levator myalgia independently in the absence of mesh is a potential cause of pudendal neuralgia, essentially agreeing with our position that retropublic slings are a source of injury for our retropubic sling pudendal neuralgia clients.”

Dr. Vigna is a California and Washington DC lawyer who focuses on catastrophic neurological injuries caused by transvaginal mesh devices including pudendal neuralgia, obturator neuralgia, ilioinguinal neuralgia, and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. His cases are filed around the country with Martin Baughman, a Dallas, Texas firm. Ben Martin and Laura Baughman are national pharmaceutical injury trial attorneys in Dallas, Texas.

To learn more on the anatomical basis for TOT injury or irritation to the obturator and pudendal nerve and the treatments of obturator and pudendal neuralgia click here.

Click here for a FREE BOOK on Vaginal Mesh Pain and for articles, video resources, and information visit the Pudendal Neuralgia Educational Portal or Read our ebook for information regarding sling related complications by clicking this link:

Pelvic floor hypertonicity in women with pelvic floor disorders: A case control and risk prediction study. Cameron, Sabourin, Sanaee, Koenig, Lee, Geoffrion. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2019, 38: 606-702.

Greg Vigna, MD, JD
Vigna Law Group
+1 800-761-9206
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