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ProHance announces new software release

ProHance has deployed a new global release of its software

The ProHance software addresses data security concerns with cutting-edge Screen Recording and Face Recognition modules

With brand new updates, the ProHance software release promises a feature-rich experience to enterprises

Features that the new update offers are based on the feedback of our clients who continue to expand with us annually.”
— Ashish Syngal, VP, Customer Success, ProHance
NEW DELHI, DELHI, INDIA, June 24, 2021 / -- ProHance has deployed a new global release of its software -- that addresses the needs of organizations in an in-office, remote, or a hybrid model of both, to manage time in a more optimized and efficient manner.

Several organizations are grappling with a present-day challenge – of how to focus human capital towards achieving business goals without burning them out. Industry leaders such as ProHance have been quick to realize the need for intuitive technology to aid enterprises with the management of their workforces. The availability of fact-based analytics and measurable insights has made organizations report a tangible shift in the way they continue to function.

ProHance has been instrumental in helping organizations meet their goals with meaningful, actionable data; empowering them to evaluate processes and make informed decisions based on facts, figures, and statistics.

Studies from top firms such as McKinsey demonstrate that a hybrid work environment is the future. With that now a well-established fact, there remains a strong need for tools that address and crack the following crucial challenges:
- Managing a distributed workforce.
- Security and compliance related to confidential information of the organization/customers.
- Employee wellness – dealing with the mental stress of endless hours of work.
- Improving productivity and effectiveness of the workforce.
Thus an efficient software that is able to manage a distributed workforce becomes the most valuable arsenal in the bouquet of tools an enterprise relies on for day-to-day operations.

Highlights of the new software update include:

* Digital Hub: Provides a bird’s eye view to the senior management on the worktime analytics for the hybrid workforce.
* End to end workflow: Simple yet powerful workflow module to virtually manage inventory on a real-time basis. An omnichannel mechanism to integrate inventory into the software allows businesses to consolidate and allocate and drive work based on business priorities.
* Data Protection solutions: Ensure there is no leakage in confidential information while employees work remotely. The Screen Recording and Facial Recognition features can also double up as contactless attendance and replaces the access cards that are used in the workplace environment.
* Empower the workforce: Leaders and individuals receive auto-generated weekly updates that give comprehensive visibility into top work-time metrics – to drive continuous improvement.
* Wellness notifications: Reminds employees to take regular breaks, thus promoting a healthy work-life balance and reducing work-related stress.
* Remote allocation of work: Leverage the workflow module to remotely allocate work and get real-time notifications on activities critical for business.
* Associate Scorecard: provides detailed reports on the performance of the teams for the leaders.
According to an estimate by the World Economic Forum, cyberattacks have jumped 238% globally between February and April 2020, with employees toggling between the office and remote set-ups, and devices moving in and out of company networks, has made companies vulnerable to data security; with compliance becoming a sore point.

Enterprises need to ensure the safety of their employees while closing all gaps on the data protection front. The ProHance software addresses data security concerns with cutting-edge Screen Recording and Face Recognition modules. It also helps optimizes the usage of software and hardware assets saving a considerable cost in these uncertain times. With access to over 110+ reports across the application, leaders can make informed decisions based on their immediate and long-term goals.

“The features that the new update offers are based on the feedback of our clients who continue to expand with us annually. With straight-forward and insightful updates, we have added significant value to the new product release which we promise to keep building upon,” says Ashish Syngal, VP, Customer Success, ProHance.

For more information about ProHance, go to:

About ProHance
ProHance, a leading desktop SaaS platform provides future-ready unified workforce-related analytics and data capturing to enable informed decision making on a real-time basis. ProHance enables enterprises to allocate resources effectively, load balance across teams; that results in operations becoming agile, customer-centric, efficient, and lean.

Kishore Reddy
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