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Distraught homeowner’s blind faith resulted in loan Servicer initiating foreclosure after denying assistance

Foreclosure defense

later received help from the Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates, through the Consumer Defense Law Group’s lawsuit against Investor.

PALMDALE, CA, USA, May 25, 2023/ -- In a heartwarming turn of events, the Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates has rescued distressed homeowner Yoni Majano, who found themselves trapped in blind faith due to someone close to the family. In 2019, the homeowner purchased a second house with a significantly higher interest rate based on false information that they would receive assistance from the lender to refinance and lower their rates. They were advised not to pay the mortgage on the second house.

After $79,051.75 delinquent on the mortgage with an interest rate of 6.75% and a monthly payment of $464.65, their lender, who turns out to be only a Servicer of the loan-initiated foreclosure proceedings. The homeowner applied for a loan modification from the lender but was rejected multiple times. As a result, the homeowner was left stressed and buried under a mountain of threatening foreclosure letters.

Recognizing the situation's urgency, the homeowner reached out to the Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates, seeking their expertise and support. Understanding the situation's complexity of their loan not being owned by their servicer whom was denying them, the Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates referred the homeowner to the Consumer Defense Law Group, a trusted alliance known for its skills in handling mortgage-related Civil litigations to name the True Owner of the Loan as a co-defendant.

The Consumer Defense Law Group diligently worked alongside the homeowner, leveraging their legal expertise to file a strong civil litigation case against the lender Case # 22AVCV00576. Armed with solid evidence and a determination to protect the homeowner's rights, they embarked on a mission to secure justice and reparations.

In a display of true advocacy, the Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates also stepped up. Recognizing the immediate financial strain faced by the homeowner, through their extensive network of alliances and resources, the Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates helped Yoni Majano’s attorney propose sensible structured loan modification terms to the attorney who represented the true Owner of the Majano’s Loan, not just the Servicer. The Majano’s happily accepted a new Loan Modification to keep their home with out having to pay their lender the $79,051.75 of arrearages.

Yoni Majano expressed gratitude for the Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates and the Consumer Defense Law Group. Their dedication, knowledge, and unwavering support had been the light at the end of a seemingly dark tunnel.

For more information, please get in touch with 855-622-2435 or visit

J. De La Vega
NonProfit Alliance of Consumer Advocates
+1 855-622-2435
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