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As Gen Z is Frozen Out by Boomers in Today’s Dynamic Employment Environment, ContinuServe Fills Workforce Gap offers outsourcing support offers outsourcing support

CAMBRIDGE, MA, USA, May 25, 2023/ -- As the world continues to grapple with the effects of the pandemic, the return to office has become a polarizing topic. While some employees are eager to return to in-person work, many Gen Z workers remain reluctant to do so. The impact of this is that baby boomers are delaying retirement and staying in the workforce longer, resulting in higher-level jobs not opening up and limiting Gen Z's opportunities to move up the corporate ladder.

One of the main reasons Gen Z workers are reluctant to return to the office is the newfound flexibility they have experienced during the pandemic. With remote work becoming the norm, the ability to work from any location globally has opened-up endless productivity possibilities. Additionally, many Gen Z workers are opting for on-demand jobs with rideshare, influencer, and delivery apps, which offer greater flexibility and freedom.

The problem with this trend is that entry-level positions are becoming increasingly difficult to staff, leaving companies in a pickle as skilled labor becomes scarce and drives up the cost of doing business. This shortage of skilled labor is particularly problematic for companies that require technical expertise, such as back-office IT and BPO support.

Fortunately, there is a solution. ContinuServe, a leading provider of back-office IT and BPO support, is stepping up to fill the gap. By offering flexible, scalable, and cost-effective support services, ContinuServe is helping companies meet their staffing needs and keep their businesses running smoothly.

One of the key benefits of working with ContinuServe is the ability to tap into a global network of skilled professionals. With a team of over 1000 experts in 40 countries, ContinuServe can provide on-demand support for a wide range of technical needs, from data analytics to cybersecurity.

As the world continues to shift towards a hybrid work model, the need for flexible, scalable, and cost-effective support services will only continue to grow. By partnering with ContinuServe, companies can ensure they have the technical expertise they need to succeed in today's rapidly evolving business landscape.

While the return to office has presented challenges for many companies, it has also created opportunities for innovative solutions like ContinuServe. By offering flexible, scalable, and cost-effective support services, ContinuServe is helping companies navigate the changing business landscape and stay ahead of the competition.

Jonathan Abramson
+1 619-807-6349
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