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Inspiring Tale of Overcoming Adversity: "From Stroke to Recovery My Walk with God" Kim Blackwell Shares her Journey

"From Stroke to Recovery My Walk with God" Kim Blackwell Shares Miraculous Journey

NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES, March 13, 2024 / -- In such a moving memoir, "From Stroke to Recovery My Walk with God," author Kim Blackwell shares the remarkable story of her journey from a debilitating stroke to a triumphant recovery, guided by her unwavering faith in God. This book is a testament to the power of determination, perseverance, and the sustaining strength of faith.

Before her stroke, Kim Blackwell was an active, independent woman, a strong Christian believer and thriving in her art business and career with a travel company. However, on October 8, 2008, her life took an unexpected turn when she suffered a massive stroke. Right after follows a journey of immense challenges, but also profound spiritual growth and resilience.

"From Stroke to Recovery My Walk with God" tells Blackwell's challenging path to recovery, not only in terms of physical healing but also in reclaiming the vital aspects of her life that she had worked so hard to build. Through her unwavering trust in God and her own determination, Blackwell navigated the daunting obstacles of securing income, health insurance, and transportation, essential elements for rebuilding her life.

Barbara Bamberger Scott from the US Review of Books describes the book as "Blackwell’s book is permeated with faith-based quotations and her conviction that God has helped her throughout her tough battles.” Combining spiritual insights with practical advice, Blackwell offers a beacon of hope for stroke survivors and their families, sharing invaluable lessons learned from her own experiences.

Readers on Goodreads echo the sentiment, praising the book for its relatable narrative and empowering message. One reviewer, Judith Wall, describes it as "a soul-testing story," while others commend its ability to inspire resilience and hope in the face of adversity.

"From Stroke to Recovery My Walk with God" is not just a memoir; it's a testament to the mighty human spirit and the transformative power of faith. Through Blackwell's story, readers will find courage, strength, and a renewed sense of purpose in overcoming life's greatest adversities.

For those seeking inspiration, guidance, and a renewed sense of hope, "From Stroke to Recovery My Walk with God" is a must-read. This book is a powerful reminder that, with faith and perseverance, anything is possible.

You can hear more about her story of recovery and her inspiring words of wisdom on her interview with Ric Bratton and Al Cole. Both interviews are featured on her website.

For more information about the author, you can visit her personal website, and her author site

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