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Business Reporter: Recognizing the knowledge and experience of human practitioners

The role of human expertise in achieving excellent leadership outcomes

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, May 16, 2024 / -- In an article published on Business Reporter, Annika Farin of Amrop explains why – for the best outcomes – it’s key that search and leadership consultants rely on advanced training and a wealth of personal experience when selecting, assessing and coaching executive leaders. Thanks to available digital tools and intensive certification courses, practitioners often make surface judgements about the personality and career background of executives in the absence of digging deeper and going beyond the outputs of the assessment tools.

While the psychometrics technology market is saturated with hundreds of tools, full reliance on them without the added value of the leadership consultant’s knowledge and understanding brings inadequate outcomes. In fact, in these scenarios, the real product is the recruiter’s time and expertise rather than the technology. It’s also key that the recruitment practitioner is aware of the different schools of thought around leadership and can choose between different methodologies for best results. Testing should also be multifaceted in order to capture the complexities of leadership skills covering personality traits, emotional intelligence, problem solving and leadership potential.

Amrop’s consultants are recognized leaders in their field with a wealth of business and consultancy experience in areas ranging from executive and board services to leadership advisory and C-suite succession to D&I and sustainable leadership.

To learn more about how a leadership advisory company can improve leadership and succession outcomes, read the article.

About Business Reporter

Business Reporter is an award-winning company producing supplements published in The Guardian and City AM, as well as content published on Business Reporter online hubs on,, Business Insider Germany and Le Figaro, delivering news and analysis on issues affecting the international business community. It also hosts conferences, debates, breakfast meetings and exclusive summits.

About Amrop

Amrop is a global leadership advisory and executive search partnership helping businesses find and develop leaders. With 69 offices in 55 countries, it is one of the world’s largest retained executive search organizations, offering a range of leadership and board services. Amrop’s context driven approach to executive search encompasses shared values and quality standards, while reflecting the unique 'on the ground' realities in local markets around the world.

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