Theta Healing® Intuitive Anatomy

Theta Healing® Intuitive Anatomy: Develop a sense of X ray vision and accurate intuition
The Intuitive Anatomy Course is an in depth Theta Healing® course which works on the students as they go on a retreat into the body. The course works well with all other healing modalities as well as theta. You will gain amazing skill and knowledge of the body systems. This course is unique and life changing, it sets you on a journey to self-healing that is second to none.  This extraordinary class is designed for students who have the wisdom to allow themselves the time and expert teaching to become proficient healers. This course counts towards your Theta Healing® Masters Pre-requisites:  Basic and Advanced DNA     Includes:   Anatomical Chart Book and Intuitive Anatomy Manual   On Completion: Accreditation and certification  Tea and coffee breaks provided.  Teacher. Alexandra P. Brown, Certificate of Science/ Master Instructor.


Time for self healing. Students have ample time for self-healing and work with other class members to clear limiting Beliefs. It will empower you, transform and move you forward in all areas of your life. Discover how to apply Intuitive Anatomy to expand your knowledge and healing skills. Become highly skilled. This course is for the committed Theta Healer® to become highly skilled at scanning and healing within the physical. We offer you practical information on anatomy. We’ll also show you ground breaking videos with the latest discoveries about the human body systems.
In the IA Class the Theta Healing® Instructor guides the student to:

Introduce the student to the magic of the human body.
Learn that disease and disorders go hand in hand with the demonstration of strong emotions.
Come to the realization that intense emotions are signals that the body is out of balance.
Discover new emotional Programs and Beliefs that are attached to every body system.
Understand how much space is taken up by negative emo


alexandra p brown

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