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Tricia Andreassen and Real Estate Industry Leaders Announce Book on Faith in Real Estate

Faith In Real Estate Authors

Faith In Real Estate Authors

Tricia Andreassen

Real Estate

Creative Life Publishing Announces in New Book Release on Faith specific to the Real Estate Industry

HICKORY, NC, USA, January 23, 2020 / -- Best Selling Author Tricia Andreassen has Co-Authored with Best-Selling Author and Coach Dirk Zeller and real estate leaders Ricky Cain, Melissa Carpenter, Jen Mains, Michael Manley, Amanda Powell, Angela Thompson and Kellie Rutherford who share their stories to encourage leaders to grow their faith.

Tricia Andreassen, CEO of Creative Life Publishing and Learning Institute is a part of the launch for this book as well as in development work with curriculum that can be used in mastermind events, churches, community leadership opportunities and real estate industry conferences. “Faith in Real Estate’ gives specific strategies on how to put into practice certain actions and mindset strategies to accomplish this.

“To read the stories from these contributors and their personal experience of how faith got them through struggles in life and business is an inspiration." Comments Andreassen. “My heart was reignited when the collaboration started. I knew of many in the industry that had gone through personal grief, illness and loss which gave me the desire to bring voices together. My hope is that Real Estate leaders as well as people from all walks of life will read this book and know that their belief in something can be revived even in the worst of circumstances. I want them to know that their life matters and it is not defined by the awards on their wall. It is much greater than that. The book can be purchased and is a foundational book that is timeless, created to be studied and marinated for impact all over the world. The Book can be purchased at: Send a copy of the Amazon purchase receipt to for access to a free private teaching event with the Authors.

Creative Life Publishing mission is to help aspiring writers express their voice and share a message of hope, encouragement, faith, and success strategies through the published word. The learning division is focused on providing educational resources to grow in multiple areas of life including: personal growth, parenting, dream building, business and marketing, faith and spiritual growth as well as writing retreats that help aspiring Authors become published. Manuscript submissions are reviewed for potential publishing through CEO Tricia Andreassen as Authors are hand selected based on the integrity and genre. Andreassen’s personal coaching practice varies on the individual on what they want to achieve whether it is business related or personal growth related. She also leads a team of faculty that provides teaching, spiritual growth, and personal development to the public. Andreassen’s business book, Interfusion Marketing: Unlock the Secret Code to Dominate Your Market hit #1 in less than 5 hours of book launch and has continued to be offered internationally and on the best seller list for over 59 weeks spanning multiple categories. She was also led the launch of a co-author project, Unlock Your Inner Warrior that became #1 Best Seller and listed in multiple Best-Selling categories. She now has a TV show in productions that reached 118 countries worldwide and owns an Art Studio and Gallery that inspires others to step into their dreams and identity called 'Go Find Your Happy Creations'. All of Creative Life Publishing Authors are featured in the website as well as supported for their life calling.

For more information on Tricia Andreassen and Creative Life Publishing and Learning Institute visit or . For information on how to become a published Author and learn the strategies of becoming a Best Selling Author or have a desire to develop content as a professional speaker with a clear message visit please email

Tricia Andreassen
Creative Life Publishing and Learning Institute
email us here