Essential Sales Skills You NEED To Know - Sales Training

Date: 05-May-18 to 05-May-18
Location: Avanti / United States
Category: Education

“The Richest Sales Person I Ever Knew Told me Something I’ll Never Forget…”
“There’s no such thing as bad sales person…just uneducated ones.” And I think he was right.

You see, most people make out as if sales is DIFFICULT. But nothing could be further from the truth. And just like anything else there are certain techniques and methodologies that…if used correctly…pretty much guarantee success. And if you’re willing to take the time to learn these techniques……you’ll run RINGS around your competition.

This is what you’re going to do in our sales workshop. You’re going to learn the essential elements needed to become the HIGHEST PAID SALES PROFESSIONAL in your industry. This workshop will guide you through the key sales skills which everyone needs to know. You will learn practical, quality actionable information that you will be able to apply the very next day.

But it’s not only about technique. It’s also about understanding the deeper psychology behind those techniques. And doing this will allow you to adapt them to almost ANY sales situation, no matter how complex. Our sales training & workshop will increase your confidence and take your career to the next level.

Learn how to:
-Establish Trust
-Sell based on value
-Strategic Questioning
-Set Client Criteria
-Open the mind of your prospective customer
-Psychologically Connect
-Communicate Effectively
-Move the sale forward!

Included in training:
-Sales Workshop: $179 (valued at $349)
-Online course from The Sales Pro University - "Beginner's Guide To Sales" (valued at $99.99)
-Award winning book, "The Sales Pro" (valued at $14)
-Audible (valued at $9.99)
-Workbook (valued at $25)
-Binder / Note Pad / Pen (valued at $20)
(Estimated Value: $517.98)
Total: $179.00

Online Sales Training:
Reach out to us with any questions!


Paul Anderson

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