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Got Crazy Socks?

Crazy socks for men

Crazy socks for men

fun dress socks

Fun dress socks

Researchers Say Colorful, Funny Socks are Markers of Success, Individuality

SAN FRANCISCO, USA, July 26, 2017 / -- According to researchers at Harvard University, all one has to do to tell if a person is likely to succeed is to look at his or her socks.

In a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, “The Red Sneakers Effect: Inferring Status and Competence from Signals of Nonconformity,” researchers took a look a nonconformity and how that related to social status and competency.

They concluded that nonconformists such as those who wear “crazy socks”--socks with bright colors and bold patterns--are intentionally signaling that they are not concerned with prevailing social ideas or practices.

Though nonconformists can sometimes be characterized as strange or weird by those who conform, nonconformists benefit from their shunning of social norms as they are perceived by those who adhere to societal norms to be more competent and of a higher social status.

Dr. Adam Galinsky, a social psychologist from the Northwestern University, conducted a study similar to the “The Red Sneakers Effect.” He arrived at some of the same conclusions as the Harvard researchers before concluding that what a person wears literally affects the way they think, feel and act.

David Jason, a spokesman for the sock web site, said he understands why something as simple as a pair of fun dress socks can show nonconformity and affect behavior.

“Crazy socks are kind of the modern equivalent to the power tie,” he said.

“In the 1980s everybody wore power ties so that they would be perceived as powerful and lacking weakness. In modern society where ‘humble bragging’ is a thing and people are trying to downplay their viciousness, crazy socks for men is the new stand in.”

“Although socks are hidden for the most part by a person’s pants, all it takes is one flash of a person’s socks and the other person knows what time it is. The boldness of the socks shows the bystander that the ‘flasher’ is a rebel and proud of it.”

Tiffany Orr
(253) 470-8262
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