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BOOK LAUNCH - Novelist warns of chaos as Polar-Ice melts

The River Thames rises 100 ft and floods Big Ben and Parllament

London flooded due to Global Warming

BOOK LAUNCH - Economist, futurist and eco-activist who in 1980 built an EV-Hybrid, a pioneer of telecommuting from 1990, warns of chaos as Polar-Ice melts.

OXFORD, OXFORDSHIRE, UK, May 25, 2021 / -- BOOK LAUNCH - Author, economist and activist, Noel Hodson, was 30 years ahead of the curve when he built one of the earliest Electric-Vehicle-Hybrids, "Microdot" in 1980, and who was an activist pioneer of telecommuting from 1990 to 2010, warns in his novels of what could cause the next pandemic and major societal changes as Polar-Ice melts. See Noel Hodson Blog.

Novelist, accountant, innovator, business consultant and forecaster, Noel Hodson, was described by Brian Aldiss in The Times and The Guardian as "That Distinguished Futurist" for his 1992 text-book Teleworking Explained (Wiley & Sons) and his novels, AD 2516 - After Global Warming, The Wisdom of Alice Whitaker, and for, Isaac Newton's 21st Century Entanglement. The Newton novel plays with particle and astrophysics, which Hodson studied in his sixties. AD 2516 spells out a Utopian optimistic future for 11 billion very long-lived citizens.

DO NOT BE AFRAID - BE VERY VERY FRIGHTENED (Douglas Adams) : In contrast, The Wisdom of Alice Whitaker paints a dystopian near future, based on the science of global-warming, when sea-levels rise to flood New York, London and all major cities on the coastal margins and icebergs invade the oceans in the temperate-zones.

As a professional who has written dozens of business forecasts and futures-articles for banks, industries and green-transport, Hodson has applied his long and intensive interest in contemporary science to extrapolate in his novel, The Wisdom of Alice Whitaker, how Polar meltdown might impact mankind in the coming 50 years.

Ten years ago he asked a top Oxford physicist and mathematician how we could calculate the rate of meltdown - and so anticipate the sea-level increase. After a few days of thought the scientist said the calculation is not possible because "There are too many variables." He advised that we should line up large and small ice-cubes from a home-fridge and take bets on which would melt first, "The casino will win every time," he said. So Hodson listed the main factors himself and researched the likely future as the world inevitably exceeds the climate tipping point, seas rise, and approximately five-billion people are forced to retreat from the coastal margins and "Move to Higher Ground". Move to Higher Ground, has been Hodson's mantra to friends and clients for 20 years.

In the meantime, the Covid-19 pandemic arrived. One of the facts Hodson uncovered for his novel is that hundreds of bodies of victims of the 1918 global pandemic Spanish-Flu, estimated to have killed 50 million, were buried in Polar ice and permafrost. Some frozen bodies have recently been recovered by Norwegian scientists and the deadly virus revived in medical laboratories.

Hodson, usually an optimistic author, imagines that as meltdown proceeds and the permafrost melts in the northern and southern hemispheres, Spanish Flu and other dangerous viruses re-emerge and infect the five-billion costal refugees, who could carry the diseases inland. He names this imaginary pandemic "Glacier-Flu." In the novel, it kills 80% of the global population.

SPOLIER - Unable to supress his natural optimism, Hodson forecasts that humanity, inspired by the writings of the heroine Alice Whitaker, will eventually recover and make a far better world; which becomes the foundation of an evolved hi-tech Utopian society in AD 2516 - After Global Warming.

Noel Hodson
Noel Hodson
+44 7713 681216
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