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Hawa the Game: Gaming, Reading, and Environmental Responsibility Unite in an Innovative Initiative

One of the most dangerous villains in The Legend of Hawa. He is the monster planner of the dreaded instances that occur in the world.

We are making it easier and more enjoyable for people to take on that responsibility”
— Rahim Samji

ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MAXICO, UNITED STATES, March 12, 2024 / -- In an era where digital entertainment and environmental conservation seem worlds apart, one company has launched an initiative that bridges this gap with a groundbreaking approach. "Hawa the Game" alongside its literary counterpart "The Legend of Hawa: The Beginning," and the dedicated website, are at the forefront of a movement that empowers individuals to contribute positively to the climate crisis through the mediums they love: gaming and reading.

Developed with the aim to inspire action and awareness regarding climate change, "Hawa the Game" is not just another mobile game. It is a call to action for players to recognize their daily impact on the environment. Astonishingly, each person exhales approximately 2.3lbs of CO2 daily, contributing to the significant amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by the global population. Recognizing this, the creators of Hawa the Game have made it their mission to offer a simple yet effective solution to combat this issue.

By making in-game purchases of just $10, players can directly contribute to the planting of real trees in protected forests across the United States. This initiative not only makes it fun and easy for people to get involved in environmental conservation but also educates them on the importance of their contributions. The company has calculated that planting just 20 trees can sequester the amount of CO2 a person exhales over their lifetime, effectively turning them from CO2 exhalers into oxygen producers.

Parallel to the game, "The Legend of Hawa: The Beginning," the first book in an engaging eBook series available on Kindle since January 10th, 2024, provides readers with a rich background on the characters and the world within the game. The proceeds from the book sales are also dedicated to supporting the tree-planting initiative, further extending the impact readers and players can have on the environment.

The website serves as a hub for the community, offering more information on the game, the book series, and the overarching mission of the company. It is a place for individuals to learn, engage, and contribute to a cause that goes beyond digital entertainment.

"We believe that everyone has a role to play in combating climate change, and through "Hawa the Game" and "The Legend of Hawa," we are making it easier and more enjoyable for people to take on that responsibility," said Rahim, founder of Hawa LLC. "Our initiative is proof that when we come together, even through platforms like gaming and reading, we can make a significant impact on the world."

Join the movement by downloading "Hawa the Game" reading "The Legend of Hawa: The Beginning," and becoming part of a community dedicated to making a difference. Together, we can turn the tide on climate change, one tree at a time.

1213 Mary Ellen St NE ABQ, NM 87112

Rahim Samji
+1 505-377-2880
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